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Welcome to The Clinical Collective!

Helping Therapists Become LEADERS in Interdisciplinary Care

*Special Needs Mastermind group begins Monday, April 5th!*

Sign up by March 27th at midnight and get $15 off the first month

Coupon code: SPECIAL

Do you ever feel that gap between what you know, and what you believe you could know? Do you ever feel like you are burning out and your ideas are running dry? Do you ever wish you could have someone else provide insight and feedback on the work you are doing, just like in your undergrad and graduate programs?

Welcome to the world of therapy šŸ™‚ The learning never stops, and having a place to learn, grow, and receive feedback never should either!

The Clinical Collective is for clinicians who care deeply about your clients. We love our work and want to provide the best possible care to the people we serve. We understand that this work is an essential part of our life calling, and we want to stay focused, effective, and passionate about what we do.

If you feel the same way, let’s help each other stay passionate, engaged, and informed with our clinical work. Let’s do it by gathering together.

Our Mastermind Programs

The Special Needs Mastermind meets on the first and third Monday of the month from 4:00-5:00PM Mountain Standard Time (MST). (6:00EST, 5:00CT, 3:00Pacific)

The Special Needs Mastermind is for:

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech Therapists
  • Music Therapists
  • Play Therapists
  • Behavioral Therapists
  • Other clinicians working with special needs populations

Cost: $30/month for 2×60 minute mastermind calls

Coming Soon!

The Mental Health Mastermind is for:

  • Social Workers
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech Therapists
  • Music Therapists
  • Play Therapists
  • Behavioral Therapists
  • Other clinicians working with mental health populations


Our Purpose

Our mission is to create a platform where clinicians of ALL kinds will learn to:

ā€œNo two minds ever come together without a third invisible force, which may be likened to a ā€˜third mind.ā€™ When a group of individual minds are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual in the group.ā€

Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
  1. Ask the right questions,
  2. Learn to find the answers, and
  3. Reach out to each other in a supportive environment so they can transform their work and their clients

What happens in the Mastermind?

Mastermind members will submit questions prior to each mastermind call, or during the call itself as questions arise. Questions will be on any of the following topics:

  • Exploring techniques for addressing specific client goals–ask what others would do to address a specific client goal
  • Presenting case studies for group review
  • Asking for insight on addressing challenging client situations
  • Discuss methods of collaboration and interdisciplinary work to support out clients

The group moderator will examine the questions and present them to the group for discussion and collaboration.

You will come away from each group with concrete ideas to implement in your clinical work. You will also gain ideas for how to engage in interdisciplinary work with related professionals.

Continuing Education Credits

While we do not provide certificates for participating in the mastermind groups, you can absolutely report your time in each mastermind for Continuing Education Credits for self study credits. Each mastermind call will complete 1 CEU hour.

Who Are We?

The Clinical Collective was born from a team of music therapists who realized the power of collective minds. As we shared our experiences, asked questions, and came together to find answers, we discovered that we knew much more as a group than we knew by ourselves. We wanted to find a way to bring the energy of connection to more therapists in our field. We wanted to expand our reach as music therapists, and thereby bring about thrilling change for our clients and practices.

Thatā€™s how The Clinical Collective was born. Our purpose is to bring together therapists of all kindswith diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and combine our unique wisdom to bring about great results.

We canā€™t wait to have you join us!

Problems We Solve

  • Iā€™m stuck in a rut and am unsure how to go deeper with my clients
  • I feel like I only understand my clientsā€™ surface-level needs
  • Iā€™m not sure how to find answers in research, or I simply donā€™t have the time
  • I feel isolated in my work and disconnected from other professionals.
  • I need face to face interaction and opportunities to share and learn new ideas

A Mastermind

A Mastermind IS

  • A collaboration of minds
  • An opportunity to learn from each other and from ourselves
  • A get-in-and-share kind of learning environment
  • A place to work in harmony toward a shared outcome
  • A place to value the unique contributions and ideas of every individual

A Mastermind IS NOT

  • A 1:1 coaching session,
  • Not an opportunity to learn from one expert
  • Not a sit-back-and-listen type of learning environment
  • Not a place to argue or put others down
  • Not a place to show superiority

How do I know if The Clinical Collective is right for me?

A mastermind is a powerful place to learn if you are willing to do your part. It is the right place for you if you are willing to: 

  • Take action
  • Respond well to accountability
  • Speak up within a group
  • Contribute your ideas to a group
  • Consider others ideas and remain open-minded
  • Work harmoniously with others
  • Learn, grow, and challenge yourself
  • Improve your clinical work or business

What is a mastermind? 

A Mastermind is defined as ā€œthe coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.ā€ –Napoleon Hill

Masterminds place great value on each memberā€™s individual experience, and add value by learning from others with different perspectives. It is a place to gather, classify, and organize new facts and ideas for the attainment of a definite purpose that is beneficial to all group members.

In your Mastermind group, we wonā€™t tell you what you need to learn. Rather, we will provide a space where you learn for yourself how to 1) ask the right questions, 2) find the answers, and 3) reach out to other therapists in a supportive environment so you can transform your work.

Each group member will express, from the beginning, their definite purpose for participating in the group. You will answer questions such as:

  • What do you intend to gain from your time in your Mastermind group? 
  • How will this experience transform your work?
  • What dreams, knowledge, or understanding do you seek? 
  • How will you persist in making the attainment of your dreams a reality?